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Survey and Identification

Surveys have been the conventional methods used for identification of people with disabilities. However, they have been observed to be expensive and time-consuming that may not be affordable or practical. As a result, the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and key informant (KI) approaches have been developed and increasingly used in the resources in poor countries.


The main objectives of the District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC) and CBR Projects are to provide comprehensive Rehabilitation support to persons with disabilities

Survey & Identification of Persons with Disabilities through camp approach; facilitation of Disability Certificates, Bus passes and other concessions / facilities for persons with disabilities; assisting in the issue of Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID) to Persons with Differently Abled in the District.
Generation of Awareness for encouraging and enhancing prevention of disabilities, early detection and intervention as well as maintaining data of organizations working for the empowerment of persons with disabilities in the districts etc.
Early Intervention and facilitating Insurance schemes launched by the National Trust/ Department for Persons with Differently Abled;
Assessment and need of assistive devices, provision/fitment of assistive devices, follow up/repair of assistive devices, assisting the ADIP / ALMICO camps for distribution of aids and assistive devices in the district.
Therapeutic Services e.g. Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy etc.
Referral and arrangement of surgical correction through Govt. Hospitals & Charitable institutions.
Arrangement of loans for self-employment, through banks & other financial institutions;
Counselling the persons with disabilities with their parents & family members;
Promotion of barrier free environment and to play an active role in the accessible India campaign of the department;
To provide supportive and complimentary services to promote education, assisting students with disabilities for availing Scholarship Schemes. Vocational Training / Skill Training   and employment for persons with disabilities through Govt Departments/NGOs
Providing orientation trainings to teachers, community and families
Providing training to persons with disabilities for Early Motivation and Early Stimulation for Education, Vocational Training and Employment.
Identifying suitable vocations for persons with disabilities, keeping in view of local resources and designing and providing vocational training and identifying suitable jobs, so as to make them economically independent.
 Provide referral services for existing educational training, vocational institutions and to act as Outreach centre for the services provided by the National Institutes.


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